Community support

Porirua City supports the community groups who support you. Naku te rourou nau te rourou ka ora ai te iwi - with your basket and my basket the people will live.

Support services

Rough sleeping and homelessness in Porirua. Need a Helping Hand: Porirua City Services Guide

Welcoming Communities

Welcoming Communities is a programme led by Immigration New Zealand (INZ) in partnership with the Ministry of Ethnic Communities and the Human Rights Commission

Community directories

We're a social bunch here in Porirua City and have a vibrant volunteer community and lots of support groups.

Creative Communities Scheme

This scheme is a partnership between Porirua City Council and Creative New Zealand that supports and encourages local arts activities.

Event funding & sponsorship

We are keen supporters of arts, recreation, cultural heritage, events, festivals and sporting activities that benefit Porirua's community.

Porirua Emergency Services Fund

We provide non-contestable funding for emergency services.

Te Manawa Lightboxes

Porirua City Council is calling for curators and artists to propose new light box exhibitions for our 2024-25 programme. We are looking for up to three exhibitions that will run for approximately five months each.

Young People's Fund

We support young people in our city through grants and funding programmes. But it’s not just about money – we want to support our rangatahi and tamariki as they take on challenges and learn new skills.