Maungaroa 2050 Māori Strategy

The Maungaroa 2050 Māori Strategy provides a roadmap for Porirua City to support, elevate and enable the future aspirations of Māori.

The name of the Porirua City Māori Strategy Maungaroa 2050 was gifted by Ngāti Toa Rangatira kaumatua Dr Te Taku Parai. The title references the anchor stone used by the famed Polynesian navigator Kupe onboard the double-hulled waka Matawhaorua.

The anchor is said to have been left by Kupe and his daughters on the shores of Pari-a-Rua (Porirua Harbour). Maungaroa is a significant taonga connecting Kupe to Porirua City and the landmarks of the region. The anchor stone symbolises connection, strength, resilience, and settlement.

Hapori Māori

Porirua City works in partnership with Ngāti Toa Rangatira and taurahere Māori who live in Porirua. This page showcases some of the history, highlights and experiences Porirua has to offer.

Download the Strategy here

maori strategy 2024