Building & consents

We're big on property development here in Porirua City. Here are all the details you need to ensure your building project gets the big tick for compliance and consent.

Building consents

No matter how big your project is – whether it involves renovating a multi-storey building or building a shed – you may need to apply for a building consent and/or a resource consent.

Building Code

If you're building a whare here in Porirua City you need to ensure you meet the Building Code so it lasts for the next generation.

Resource consents

Looking to do a project that is slightly out the ordinary – then you might need a resource consent. Check in with us for free advice on where you stand.

Consents issued

Building and resource consents issued, starting in January 2025.

Earthquake-prone buildings

A new national system for managing earthquake-prone buildings in New Zealand came into effect on 1 July 2017.

Naming streets

If you are subdividing land and want to name any new ara, let us know.


If you're looking to sell a property, showcase an upcoming event, put up an electioneering sign, promote a product with a sign or have a sandwich board sign, check with us first to see if you need a permit.

Silt and sediment control

We're looking to the future – promoting proactive building practices that ensure mud and sediment don't fill up our Porirua Harbour.