Porirua City carried out its annual residents survey to understand residents' thoughts on the city's services, facilities and activities in May and June 2024. Participants were selected at random from the electoral roll to participate in this research and were sent a letter inviting them to take part in the survey, which was online.
Responses were anonymous and individual details were kept private.
Please note: this survey was only open to those who have received a letter.
Every year we commission a survey of Porirua residents to find out what people think about our performance, services and facilities.
Residents are randomly selected across the city's three wards, making sure there is a proper balance of age, gender and ethnic proportions (based on the census). The person selected for interviewing in each household was the person aged 18 and older who had the next birthday.
In 2014, we engaged independent research company Key Research to conduct the survey. Key Research does similar surveys for other local authorities. This allows a comparison of results with peer groups of similar councils.
The Annual Residents’ Satisfaction Survey provides information to assist us with priority-setting for long-term and annual planning, as well as performance monitoring via annual reporting.
Other reports are available on request.
The Quality of Life Project gathers a wide range of information about life and well-being in a range of New Zealand cities, including Porirua. Porirua has been a participant in the Quality of Life Survey since 2004.
Previous reports are available on request.
This community profile of Porirua City uses census data and has been prepared by Infometrics. Similar to the ID.Community Profile, census data can be manipulated to meet user needs. The profile enables users to view data on Porirua down to Census Area Unit level and compared units against each other, against the region or the New Zealand average.
Produced by Infometrics, the Economic Profile gives insight into Porirua's economic structure and performance over the past year and previous years. See detailed insights into Porirua’s GDP, industry structures, employment, productivity, population, business types, living standard indicators, workforce skillset, and tourist numbers.
Produced by Infometrics, the Quarterly Economic Monitor provides an in-depth description of Porirua’s economic performance. It monitors quarterly statistics on GDP, traffic, consents, house prices, house sales, guest nights, retail sales, vehicle registrations, unemployment rates, migration and jobseeker numbers.
Greater Wellington Regional Council and all the Councils in the Wellington Region have developed a new holistic measurement tool - the Wellington Region Genuine Progess Index (WR - GPI). The GPI covers the four aspects of well-being: economic, environmental, social and cultural.
People and Places presents demographic data from the Census of Population and Dwellings in an easy to understand way, to help inform the Council and the community. It is updated with population estimates when Statistics New Zealand releases new figures, such as the annual estimated resident population (ERP). Results for Porirua city include population, age structure, ethnicity, religion, income, qualifications, field of qualifications, smoking behaviour, occupations, employment, unemployment, disability, disadvantage, unpaid work, family structure, household structure, housing tenure (or ownership), mortgage and rental payments, and the size and type of the dwellings people live in. Go to peopleandplaces.nz
Te Rā Nui is helping to create the kind of outcomes that eastern Porirua residents want, gathering information with the Eastern Porirua Survey as one of these sources. Kāinga Ora will track community wellbeing over the next 20–25 years.
Many of these findings are detailed in the baseline report, with a summary report also available.
This report looks at the current and future housing affordability, demand and need in Porirua City. It details how housing need has evolved since 2015 and the implications of future growth in demand on affordability outcomes. This report builds on the two previous reports “Porirua City Housing Needs Assessment and the Implications for Eastern Porirua", December 2016 and the “Housing needs assessment update” completed in 2020.
This report looks at the current and future housing affordability, demand and need in Porirua City in 2020. It provides background about how housing need has evolved since 2015 and the implications of future growth in demand on affordability outcomes.
This report was prepared for Porirua City Council to assist them with their understanding of the level of housing need within Porirua City with an emphasis on Eastern Porirua and how the relative level of need compares with the wider Wellington metropolitan area.
The Porirua Harbour and Catchment Management Programme undertakes research and generates publications about the harbour and its catchment.
You can read the latest reports, key findings, review and plans on our Harbour research & publications page